Cancer is without doubt one of the scariest and strength depriving illnesses that, according to research, claims the lives of over 8 million patients all over the globe, and these death statistics are only expected to rise in the years to come.
Amidst all these terror-inducing tolls, when must also take into consideration that fact that nearly one-third of the deaths resulted due to cancer are caused by dietary risks and unhealthy behaviors. The truth is that despite the fact that cancer is a dangerous life-threatening disease, its risk and symptoms can still be eliminated if your preventive regime contains the essential nutrients present in superfoods.


Gac fruit is brimming with phenolic compounds and carotenoids, which are one of the most powerful cancer-fighting nutrients. However, this delicious fruit is extremely hard to find  so you can enjoy its extracts and products, such as gac powder, frozen fruits, gac oil, oil capsules or gac fruit juice perhaps. You may be able to find it .


Honey is the best natural sweetener to enrich your body with wondrous healing and invigorating nutrients. Research reveals that 1tsp. of tualang honey every day can help postmenopausal women bring about a marked improvement in their memory retention.


Purple cabbage is one of the richest sources of polyphenols, one of the healthiest antioxidants that help prevent and eliminate inflammation. Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, are also incredibly beneficial at curbing inflammation and enhancing the health of the digestive system due to their mighty probiotic content.


Carrots aren’t just beneficial for the health of your eyes, but in fact, it has miraculous healing effects for all key body organs. It’s a great pick if you want to shred some unwanted fats, because one cup of freshly chopped carrots packs up 12g of healthy carbs and no more than 52 calories, perfect for a healthy snack!.
The carbohydrates that are found in carrots are made up with natural sugar, complex carbohydrates and healthy fiber, which are all amazingly beneficial for the health of the heart. Furthermore, carrots contain sugars brimming with fiber, minerals and essential vitamins.


t’s perfectly healthy to enjoy a tall glass of wine to enjoy some soothing relaxation enveloping your body after a tiring day at work. You see, as long as you don’t overdrink and consume wine in moderation, which means no more than one glass every day, you can enrich your body with its dense concentration of essential antioxidants and polyphenols.
These mighty antioxidants have proven highly effective at eliminating and preventive several types of cancers, along with cardiovascular dysfunctions. Furthermore, one glass of wine every day can also cut down your risk for heart failures, and sudden death from cancers, and any chronic or viral disease.


Replace sugar or your regular sweeteners with licorice root, and invigorate your body with its miraculous healing benefits. Licorice is brimming with a powerful liver-strengthening compound, called glycyrrhizic acid, which protects the liver against cancer and viruses.
Research reveals that licorice root is highly beneficial for cancer patients because of its incredibly rich chemo-preventive, antiviral and anti-inflammatory profiles.


A recent study revealed that individuals who devour one or more fresh apples every day cut down their risk for cancer as opposed to individuals who eat no apples whatsoever. Apples are one of the healthiest nutrient-rich superfoods, and eating one medium sized apple a day is all you need to cut down your risk for prostate cancer by 7%, breast cancer by 24%, oesophageal cancer by 22%, ovarian cancer by 24%, pharynx cancer by 18% and colorectal cancer by a whopping 30%.


Health experts believe that fresh cow’s milk is one of the richest and purest sources of Vitamin D and calcium. However, be sure to obtain it only from organic farms, and grass-fed breeds as they do not contain any artificial hormones, and have a powerful concentration of omega-3 fatty acids to encourage the health of your heart.


Blueberries are the tastiest and healthiest superfoods because of their mighty nutrient-rich profiles of powerful antioxidants, fiber and vitamins.
There are several studies to validate the claim that blueberries are highly effective at naturally reducing and controlling blood pressure level because of their incredibly rich dose of antioxidants.


Cherries are one of the healthiest superfoods, and your best pick if you want to give yourself a delicious nutrient fix. Research reveals that tart cherry juices and sweet cherries are highly effective at curbing inflammation that results due to cancer and other ailments. Furthermore, these succulently juicy treats work wonders at cutting down the risk for colorectal cancer.
You can devour them in juices, salads, desserts and baked goodies. Cherries are incredibly rich in fiber, an essential nutrient that will fill you up and help you cut down that bulging waistline.


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